
Born in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Currently resides in Guernica, Greater Buenos Aires, Argentina.

- National Master of Drawing, Manuel Belgrano School of Fine Arts (2006).
- Visual Arts Teacher, Manuel Belgrano School of Artistic Education in Visual Arts (2011).
- Diploma in Artistic Practices, Performance and Affects, UMSA (Universidad del
Museo Social Argentino), 2023.

Student of:
- Postgraduate in Combined Artistic Languages, UNA (National University of the Arts).

- CBC of philosophy, UBA (University of Buenos Aires)
- Bachelor's degree in teaching audiovisual arts, UNSAM
(National University of San Martín)
- CBC of architecture, UBA (University of Buenos Aires)
Teaching performance:
Visual arts teacher from 2006 to date at primary and secondary level, in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and Almirante Brown, Buenos

Trainer-workshop artist:
- Interregional Meeting of Art Education of Almirante Brown (2019)
- National Meeting of Ceramists (Santa Fe 2019)
Individual performance:
Specially dedicated to sculpture and engraving.
She worked as a self-taught artisan and textile designer.

Collective performance:
Member of the artistic exploration collective "YVY SY"
Member of the mural and public art collective "Mujeres encuentreras de Almirante Brown"
Member of the mural collective: "Maya grupo de arte".