Visual Art Site

Beltran Larrea Ana

Un lugar en el mundo. 29 x 27. Modelado en bloque y ahuecado, óxidos y pigmentos	A Place in the World. 29 x 27. Block modelling and hollowing, oxides and pigments.

A Place in the World. 29 x 27. Block modelled and hollowed out, oxides and pigments.

Desarraigo. Modelado en bloque y ahuecado, óxidos y pigmentos

Uprootedness. Block modelling and hollowing, oxides and pigments.

Desde mi torre. 23 x 32. Bajo relieve, óxidos y pigmentos

From my tower. 23 x 32. Low relief, oxides and pigments.

Que nos lo diga el viento. 23X19. Modelado en bloque y ahuecado, óxidos y pigmentos	Let the wind tell us so. 23X19. Block modelling and hollowed out, oxides and pigments.	Laissons le vent nous le dire. 23X19. Blocs modelés et évidés, oxydes et pigments.

Let the wind tell us so. 23X19. Block modelling and hollowed out, oxides and pigments.

Ausencia. 36X27. Modelado en bloque y ahuecado, óxidos y pigmentos	Absence. 36X27. Block modelling and hollowed out, oxides and pigments.

Absence. 36X27. Block modelling and hollowed out, oxides and pigments.

Saudade. 27X24. Modelado en bloque y ahuecado, óxidos y pigmentos

Saudade. 27X24. Block modelling and hollowed out, oxides and pigments.

Sin papeles. 39X20. Modelado en bloque y ahuecado,óxidos y pigmentos

Paperless. 39X20. Block modelling and hollowed out, oxides and pigments.

Entrega. 34X30. Modelado en bloque y ahuecado, óxidos y pigmentos

Delivery. 34X30. Block modelling and hollowing, oxides and pigments.

Destino. 30X30. Modelado en bloque y ahuecado, óxidos y pigmentos

Destination. 30X30. Block modelling and hollowing, oxides and pigments.

Espera. realizada con rollos y decorada con engobes y esgafriada.

Wait. Made with coils and decorated with engobes and glazes.
