Visual Art Site

Aguirre José

Entre tela II, 80 x 90 cm. Oleo y acrílico sobre tela

Between canvas II, 80 x 90 cm. Oil and acrylic on canvas



Construyendo la lucha, 150 x 80 cm, acrílico sobre tela

Building the Struggle, 150 x 80 cm, acrylic on canvas

Entre tela, 80 x 90 cm. Oleo y acrílico sobre tela

Between canvas, 80 x 90 cm. Oil and acrylic on canvas

Esperando la puesta, 200 x 150 cm. Oleo y acrílico sobre tela

Waiting for the Laying, 200 x 150 cm. Oil and acrylic on canvas

La Apreciación 60 x 90 cm. Oleo y acrílico sobre tela 

The Appreciation, 60 x 90 cm. Oil and acrylic on canvas

La entrega constructiva 50 x 150 cm. Oleo y acrílico sobre tela

The Constructive Delivery 50 x 150 cm. Oil and acrylic on canvas



Na Mu con espejo, Constructivo Rojo y Blanco

Na Mu with Mirror, Constructive Red and White

Planos & Espejos, 200 x 150 cm. Oleo sobre tela 

Planes & Mirrors, 200 x 150 cm. Oil on canvas
